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Timor Leste: A Hub of Beautiful Beaches

Timor Leste: A Hub of Beautiful Beaches

If you love the cool blue of the seas, the granular feeling of sand in your feet, the sound of the waves lapping on the seashore and the smell of wet sand, then a holiday at the seashore or a beach resort is ideal for you.

If you are an avid visitor of the seashore and love to explore the beautiful beaches the world over, then the beaches of East Timor are a must visit.

A South East Asian country, East Timor is an island part of the islands of Indonesia in the Pacific Ocean.

Famous for its sandalwood rich forest area and sparkling blue beaches, East Timor is very close to Darwin, Australia and has predominantly Indonesian people as it’s population.

There are many beaches in East Timor and off its coast.

These beaches are packed with beach and holiday resorts which are full almost throughout the year.

Beaches in Timor Leste


Com is one such place to visit in East Timor. It is a small fishing village and is a great getaway for the weekend.

There is a beautiful hidden beach which is part of the famous Com beach resort and there are other venues for snorkeling as well as fishing.

Areia Branca

Areia Branca beach which is part of the Cape Fatucama region is also one of the popular tourist destinations in East Timor.

The turquoise blue waters of the beach and the lush green surroundings make it a perfect holiday destination to relax and rejuvenate.


The beaches in Atauro are perfect for the lovers of water sports as all kinds of water sports right from snorkeling, scuba diving, Paragliding and many more are offered here.


One other must-see location when in East Timor. It is a small settlement which is sandwiched between the ocean and tall trees.

It is said, that the true culture of East Timor can be experienced here and this exquisite place was almost destroyed a few years ago.

People usually take a raft from the land to the reef and indulge in snorkeling and other water sports activities.


In Jaco Island, there is a beautiful and almost surreal beach which also has some terrific snorkeling and diving points.

Although this island is a little remote, it is quite safe being guarded by the locals.

With so many beautiful and refreshing beaches in East Timor, it has become one popular fun in the sun holiday destination.

When nature has gifted us such pristine and awe strikingly amazing natural wonders, then it becomes our responsibility to conserve their beauty and uniqueness.

Let us enjoy their beauty, soak in the calm and solace they provide and at the same time leave them unspoiled and restored.

So head out to East Timor and enjoy and turquoise blue of the sky when it almost meets the turquoise blue of the ocean and soaks in the dream-like existence.

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