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Vegetation of Timor Leste

Vegetation of Timor Leste

Little is known of Timor before 1500 medical while Chinese and Japanese traders saw the island from at least the 13th century, and possibly as early as the 7th century. Merchants visited the coastal settlement in hunt of the ample sandalwood and beeswax.


Clearing of vegetation occurs as a part of maize production in highland areas.

Maize is the majority generous and obtainable crop building it the mainly important food source within East Timor.

In 2002 106 200 tons of maize was cultivated comparatively to 35 300 tons of rice and 13 500 tons of cassava.

In most areas maize is cultivated in surface soils on headlong sides using changing cultivation habits implying burning existing plants and placing seeds in the ashes.

In hilly regions, resident’s densities are adequately more and the sum of the land present is limited because of coffee plantations.


Rice is the other most leading food crop in East Timor in terms of capacity produced.

Regions that are capable to produce at least one rice crop per annum head to experience more food security than those that cannot, other than in conditions where crops are damaged on account of flooding.

Rice is usually cultivated in reasonably flat regions on the southern side of an island. In these areas, the main crop period is from August to October following the wet season.

In northern regions, not so much rice is produced and the primary harvesting period is from July to August.

The regions that present a particular crop each year, and, which report for the majority of rice production, may be responsive to climate variation, especially rainfall in the moist season reduces.

All rice growths in flood likely regions may experience lessened production in future on account of raised flood events.

Increased temperature may effect in increased vaporization of water in rice fields.


Coffee is further most influential cash crop in East Timor, accountancy from nearly 90% of international exchange.

Some 25000 families obtain an important portion of their profits from coffee cultivation.

However, the price of the coffee is at present some 25 % of the cost in 1960 because of the high production, commodity reliance and growing attention of power in hands of a few factory farms in the source chain.

Costs to producers in Timor are now so low that farmers are unwilling to produce coffee beans and supply the coffee crop.

Coffee needs a yearly average rain of some 2000-3000 mm y and appropriate humidness of 70 % to 90 % and it also needs a plain dry season for blossoming and growth of berries.

For this causes coffee is cultivated in the northern and southern plateaus and is the main crop for sucos in Aileu, Ainaro, Ermera, LIquica, and Manufahi.

Ascent temperatures and the raised rainfalls may vary humidness at lower heights where coffee is cultivated and change the height band favorable to coffee cultivation skyward.